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  2. Document Generation for Mendix

FAQ: Document Generation for Mendix

  • Where can I download the Document Generation for Mendix?
    You can download the module in the Mendix Marketplace
  • Where can I find the release notes?
    The release notes are available for download in the Mendix Marketplace
  • Is there an installation video?
    Yes, you can watch the installation video here 
  • Do I need to use '< TableStart: Container>' and ''<TableEnd:Container>' with SimpleMerge? 
    No, when using SimpleMerge, these fields are not require. 
  • Can I display all the data in a list on the output document with SimpleMerge? 
    Yes, but you must manually configure the exact number of merge fields to match the number of records in the list. We recommend using AdvancedMerge for better handling of tables and rows. 
  • Can I use any Word template with Document Generation for Mendix ? 
    Yes, but ensure the merge fields in the Word template correspond with the fields in your TemplateType. 
  • How do I remove the Aspose watermark? 
    An active license will remove the watermark.  Please contact info.nl@emixa.com for a license. 
  • Which Java action should be used when data is needed from different entities? 
    It depends on the desired output. Use SimpleMerge for single records and AdvancedMerge for displaying all records from a list.
  • Can I hide lines in the document when a merge field is empty?
    Yes, use the IF ELSE statement to determine whether a merge field is shown and if a line needs to be added. See the If Else Mergefield documentation. 
  • Can I use the API key generated in Sprintr for Document Generation for Mendix  MS Word addon? 
    No, follow the steps in Setting up the MS Word template using the Document Generator 4 Mendix MS Word addon to generate a API key. 
  • Can I implement footnotes in my template?
    Yes, find the setup instructions here.
  • How do I use conditional formatting in Word?
    Conditional formatting is possible using IF-constructions for Merge fields in Word. Learn how here.
  • Can I implement charts in my document?
    Yes, find the instructions here.
  • How do I embed my fonts in my template?
    For custom or special font, follow these instructions to embed them in your template here.